The following is a summary and article by AI based on a transcript of the video "How Aerosols Brighten Clouds — and Cool the Planet | Sarah J. Doherty | TED". Due to the limitations of AI, please be careful to distinguish the correctness of the content.
00:03 | So I'm a climate scientist, |
00:06 | and based on that, |
00:08 | I bet you think I'm here to tell you about all the ways |
00:10 | that we're making the climate warmer. |
00:12 | But I'm not actually going to do that today |
00:14 | because I think you already know that part of the story. |
00:17 | I want to tell you instead a story about unintended consequences. |
00:22 | For many of us, it's really easy to forget |
00:25 | that in addition to emitting a lot of greenhouse gases, |
00:28 | humans have been adding a lot of particulate pollution |
00:30 | to the atmosphere. |
00:32 | These small particles, which we scientists call aerosols, |
00:36 | are responsible for the death of between four and 10 million people a year |
00:40 | around the globe. |
00:42 | For much of the world, this remains a major public health crisis. |
00:47 | And because of that, there are significant efforts underway |
00:50 | to clean up the source of these emissions, |
00:52 | which is fantastic. |
00:55 | But here's the thing. |
00:57 | The unintended consequence of doing that |
00:59 | is that we might actually be accelerating climate warming. |
01:04 | And that's because most of these aerosols actually cool climate. |
01:09 | I spent my career as a climate scientist |
01:12 | studying how aerosols in the atmosphere around the globe |
01:15 | absorb sunlight in the atmosphere |
01:17 | and increase the reflection of sunlight away from our planet. |
01:21 | Aerosols directly scatter sunlight back to space, |
01:24 | and when they mix into clouds, |
01:26 | they can make clouds brighter or more reflective. |
01:29 | And both of these effects act to cool the climate |
01:31 | by reducing the amount of sunlight that's available to heat the surface. |
01:36 | We estimate that right now, |
01:38 | aerosols from human activities are cooling climate |
01:42 | by about half a degree Celsius. |
01:45 | In other words, if it weren't for these climate effects, |
01:48 | we would already be experiencing significantly worse climate impacts |
01:51 | than we already are. |
01:54 | So here's a conundrum. |
01:57 | As we clean up the air for human health, |
02:00 | we're reducing the concentration of these aerosols in the atmosphere, |
02:03 | and we're removing the source of climate cooling. |
02:07 | And because these aerosols only last in the atmosphere for about a week, |
02:11 | their cooling effect goes away almost immediately |
02:13 | after we stop emitting them. |
02:15 | Unlike greenhouse gases, |
02:16 | which continue to warm for decades to centuries. |
02:20 | Here's a second conundrum. |
02:22 | While our best estimate is that aerosols are cooling climate |
02:25 | by about half a degree Celsius, |
02:27 | this effect could be quite a bit smaller, |
02:30 | or it could be a lot bigger. |
02:33 | It's possible that aerosols right now are cooling climate |
02:37 | by up to almost a full degree Celsius. |
02:40 | And because we don't know |
02:41 | how much of a cooling effect these aerosols are currently providing, |
02:45 | we don't know how much of a climate warming they're going to unmask |
02:49 | as we clean up the air. |
02:52 | So let's step back and talk a little bit more |
02:56 | about how it is that aerosols cool climate |
02:59 | and why these effects are so uncertain. |
03:02 | So aerosols mostly cool climate |
03:04 | by increasing the reflection of sunlight from clouds. |
03:07 | This increase in cloud brightness from aerosols |
03:10 | is not generally very visibly apparent |
03:12 | because clouds are just so naturally variable in their brightness. |
03:17 | But a case where it is really visually obvious |
03:19 | is in what we call ship tracks. |
03:21 | So what you're looking at here is a satellite image |
03:24 | off the west coast of North America. |
03:26 | And you can see that there are these lines of clouds |
03:29 | that are brighter or more reflective than the clouds around them. |
03:33 | So to understand what's going on here, |
03:35 | you first have to know that cloud droplets always form on an aerosol. |
03:41 | Out over the ocean, there's just not generally that many aerosols |
03:44 | in the atmosphere. |
03:45 | So what you end up with |
03:47 | is a cloud with a small number of larger droplets. |
03:51 | Well, along comes your ship, |
03:53 | and it's adding aerosols to the atmosphere |
03:55 | and to the clouds. |
03:56 | The water gets distributed over those aerosols, |
03:59 | and you now have a cloud with a large number of smaller droplets. |
04:04 | This change in droplet size increases the reflectivity of the cloud. |
04:08 | Now this is not just happening where ship emissions are mixing into clouds. |
04:12 | This is actually mostly happening over broad regions of the planet |
04:16 | where pollution aerosols mix into clouds. |
04:19 | So I've shown you here a very striking example |
04:22 | of where pollution aerosols are clearly making clouds more reflective. |
04:27 | But this actually doesn't always happen. |
04:30 | And why is that? |
04:32 | Well, I'm going to give you scientists' two very favorite answers. |
04:36 | It’s complicated. And it depends. |
04:39 | (Laughter) |
04:41 | If you have ever looked at clouds for very long, |
04:43 | you could see that they’re incredibly complex, |
04:45 | and they are constantly evolving. |
04:48 | When you add aerosols to clouds, |
04:49 | it doesn't just change their droplet size, |
04:52 | it actually can then change how they evolve |
04:54 | in ways that also affect cloud brightness. |
04:58 | Depending on the details of the atmospheric conditions, |
05:01 | clouds can be made either more or less reflective with the addition of aerosols, |
05:05 | or not really changed at all. |
05:08 | But what we do know is that under the right conditions, |
05:12 | aerosol additions to clouds can make them quite a bit brighter. |
05:17 | So this poses an interesting question. |
05:21 | Might it be possible to rapidly reduce climate warming |
05:26 | by mimicking this effect |
05:27 | that pollution aerosols are already having on clouds, |
05:30 | but do so by adding natural aerosols rather than pollution to clouds? |
05:36 | Specifically by adding sea salt aerosol to clouds over the ocean, |
05:40 | where sea salt aerosols already act as seeds for cloud droplet formation. |
05:46 | Well we start with studying this problem using computer models. |
05:50 | And when we add tiny sea salt aerosols to the clouds over the ocean |
05:54 | in global climate models, |
05:55 | we find that brightening just a fraction of the clouds over the ocean |
05:59 | does, in fact, rapidly and significantly reduce climate warming |
06:03 | from greenhouse gases. |
06:05 | So these models indicate it is possible. |
06:08 | But here's the problem. |
06:10 | These global-scale models |
06:12 | used to study the climate impacts of marine cloud brightening, |
06:15 | lack the ability to resolve all of these detailed interactions |
06:19 | between aerosols and clouds. |
06:22 | So they can't tell us how much cloud brightening is possible or where. |
06:27 | For that problem, |
06:28 | we have to turn to models that cover much more localized areas of the globe |
06:32 | but that include many, many more details about aerosols, clouds |
06:36 | and how they interact. |
06:38 | So what we really need is better real-world data |
06:41 | that we can use to test and inform these models |
06:44 | that we use to study marine cloud brightening. |
06:47 | Now with this problem, as with many problems in the world, |
06:50 | the devil is in the details. |
06:53 | Many of the most uncertain aspects |
06:55 | of the potential for marine cloud brightening |
06:57 | have to do with how really small-scale air motions in clouds, |
07:01 | we're talking over like a few square kilometers, |
07:03 | respond to the addition of aerosols. |
07:07 | So being able to systematically study how clouds respond to aerosols, |
07:11 | just like a single plume of aerosols, |
07:14 | over a small area of clouds, |
07:16 | could go a long way to improving these climate models. |
07:21 | And I want to tell you today about a powerful approach |
07:24 | that our team is developing to do just that. |
07:28 | So based on what I just said, |
07:29 | you probably won't be surprised to learn |
07:31 | that that approach is to add a single plume of sea salt aerosols |
07:35 | to a small area of clouds over the ocean |
07:38 | and see how those clouds respond. |
07:40 | Basically, to make a single clean ship track. |
07:45 | Now, the observations for studies like this |
07:47 | would look a lot like those we've been doing for decades |
07:49 | to study how pollution aerosols are already affecting clouds. |
07:55 | Research aircraft filled with specialized instruments |
07:58 | can be used to measure in great detail the atmospheric conditions |
08:02 | the aerosols, the clouds |
08:04 | and how they all vary. |
08:06 | The difference between what we've done here in the past |
08:09 | and what we would do with these new controlled aerosol studies, |
08:12 | is that we would be able to actually compare clouds |
08:15 | that have different aerosol concentrations |
08:17 | but that are otherwise the same. |
08:20 | This would allow us to quantify where changes in cloud reflectivity |
08:23 | are actually being caused by the aerosols, |
08:26 | rather than just varying due to other factors. |
08:30 | Now it turns out that generating the sea salt aerosol plume |
08:34 | with the right characteristics for doing these controlled aerosol studies |
08:38 | is a significant technological challenge. |
08:41 | The aerosols need to be just right. |
08:44 | To date, |
08:45 | no one has demonstrated the ability to generate |
08:48 | both the size and quantity of aerosols you would need to do these studies |
08:53 | where you would consistently and appreciably brighten marine clouds. |
08:58 | As a climate scientist trying to better understand |
09:01 | how aerosols affect clouds and climate, |
09:04 | I am really thrilled to be part of a team |
09:07 | that is developing a new instrument to meet that challenge. |
09:11 | Our new cloud aerosol research instrument is specifically designed |
09:15 | to generate a very large number of very, very tiny sea salt aerosols. |
09:20 | These aerosols are about 1,000th of the width of a human hair, |
09:23 | because that's the size that's ideal for marine cloud brightening. |
09:27 | I'm also really excited to be able to tell you |
09:30 | that we've just started our first scientific studies with this instrument. |
09:33 | This happened just two weeks ago. |
09:36 | We've set up our new Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement Facility |
09:41 | on the flight deck of the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum |
09:45 | in Alameda, California. |
09:48 | So on the Hornet, |
09:49 | we are making observations at multiple locations |
09:52 | along the flight deck |
09:54 | of the sea salt aerosol plume |
09:56 | that is being generated with our new instrument. |
09:59 | These measurements are going to allow us to study how the aerosol evolves |
10:04 | as it's transported towards clouds. |
10:07 | It's also letting us study whether or not this instrument is delivering |
10:11 | the right aerosol, with the right characteristics |
10:14 | for use in later studies at sea, |
10:17 | of the single plume experiment and how clouds respond. |
10:21 | We've set up this study specifically at a museum |
10:24 | to make it easily accessible to the public, |
10:28 | educators and other researchers. |
10:31 | And we consider this level of openness |
10:33 | to be a really important part of our program. |
10:35 | And that's because we're hoping |
10:37 | that the work at the CAARE research facility |
10:39 | can be the start of broader international engagement in this research, |
10:43 | particularly by our colleagues in historically marginalized communities |
10:47 | who are the most vulnerable to climate change. |
10:51 | Their direct engagement in this research is absolutely critical |
10:56 | to having equitable and informed discussions |
10:59 | about whether we ever would use marine cloud brightening to cool climate |
11:03 | as a way of addressing climate risks. |
11:08 | Now don’t get me wrong, |
11:10 | marine cloud brightening will not reverse the effects of greenhouse gases. |
11:16 | This is not a solution to the climate crisis. |
11:19 | I really have to repeat that. |
11:21 | This is not a solution to the climate crisis. |
11:24 | However, marine cloud brightening might be a way of treating |
11:29 | the main symptom of the problem, |
11:32 | which is too much heat in the atmosphere and ocean. |
11:36 | We believe that the world needs the best information possible |
11:39 | to decide whether approaches like marine cloud brightening |
11:42 | might be a component of how we chart a safer course |
11:46 | into a future that now includes a rapidly and dangerously warming climate. |
11:52 | We also believe it's really critical |
11:54 | that we better understand the evolving role of aerosols |
11:57 | in climate change and the climate system |
12:00 | if we don't want to be flying blind |
12:02 | into the coming couple decades of climate change. |
12:06 | I hope that I've left you as excited as I am |
12:08 | about these new capabilities we're developing |
12:11 | to study these really important questions. |
12:13 | And I invite you all to come join us at our new CAARE research facility. |
12:17 | Thank you. |
12:18 | (Applause) |